PK Nimgade Apps

Boston Train Schedule 1.0
PK Nimgade
This application contains the eleven majorcommuter rail lines of Boston, MA. We have included both theweekday and weekend schedules. And the best part is, It is offline,you don't need an internet connection and it is completely addfree.RegardsPankaj Nimgade
New York Subway 1.0
PK Nimgade
This app shows train Lines in New York, And gives information likeTrain Lines map and Restaurant with respective station. If you area restaurant owner in New York and want detailed information aboutyour restaurant, kindly mail me with information you would like toshow app about your restaurant. In upcoming updates I will try toincorporate that. Regards Pankaj Nimgade
TCC Map 1.0.6
PK Nimgade
This app provides Map and Navigation details between stations ofToronto Subway. It also provides Image's of stations where youwould be going, that you may verify the station. App also providesinformation regarding the stations. Apart from Google map, It alsohas some static images which lets you check the subway routeOffline. It comes with 15 themes to choose from. Regards PankajNimgade
Tic Tac Toe 2.0
PK Nimgade
It is a small game based on Tic-Tac-Toe, try to win by achievingdifferent straight lines. Machine Level 1 - to practice FriendLevel 2 - to play with your friends Developer Level 3 - to playwith me Regards Pankaj Nimgade
Free Unit Converter 1.0
PK Nimgade
This friendly-user unit converter app contains elevenconversions.We also have included a glossary about the differenttypes ofconversions. It provides you information like definition,formulas,diagrams and theory where needed with respect to everymeasurement.This app contains the following: Acceleration AngleAngularAcceleration Angular Velocity Area Density Dynamic ViscosityEnergyForce Fuel Consumption Kinematic Viscosity Regards PankajNimgade
Calculator 1.0
PK Nimgade
A test calculator supports addition, subtraction, multiplicationanddivision